France Télécom-Orange
Micro-nap space

In June 2009, France Télécom-Orange initiated a reflection on rest in the workplace and enlisted the designer Marie-Virginie Berbet through the Cité du Design. Applied to the Vivier Merle call center in Lyon, this study aims to develop a set of solutions allowing employees to find means of relaxation and/or rest within their work environment. The gradual relaxation space designed by Marie-Virginie Berbet includes several devices supporting multiple forms of relaxation. From this comprehensive proposal, France Télécom-Orange selected, for experimentation and development, the two most innovative devices: the (calm) SPACE, a micro-nap space.

The (calm) SPACE is a micro-nap and individual rest space specially designed to create an environment physiologically adapted to the practice of short naps. Based on several recent scientific and medical advances, this micro-space integrates NightCove technology. The latter offers sound and light sequences specifically developed for naps of 10, 15, or 20 minutes. The wavelengths of the emitted light are calibrated to emit in spectra that either allow or inhibit the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone. At the beginning of the sequence, the light wavelengths promote falling asleep. Towards the end of the sequence, the light emits wavelengths that block the secretion of melatonin, thus having stimulating effects on the body and preparing it to resume its activity.

  • France Télécom-Orange
  • Lyon
  • Marie-Virginie Berbet
  • Marie-Virginie Berbet
  • Nokinomo
  • Mathias Ridde